5 Ways to Make Your Beauty Business More Professional (Part 2)

In our last post, we shared five tips to make your beauty business more professional. (If you missed that post, you can check it out right here!)

Today, we’re sharing five MORE tips to help you take your business to the next level!

Let’s jump in!

1. Look professional and put together.

The first tip on our list is to look professional and put together.

Not too long ago, I booked a hair appointment with a new stylist. She was very sweet and accommodating, but when I met her for the first time on the day of my appointment, her hair was, for lack of a better term, a mess!

If I hadn’t seen her beautiful work before my appointment, I probably would’ve been nervous. Luckily, I knew she was a great stylist.

As a beauty professional, you are often times the first impression your clients (and potential clients) have of your work. When your clients see that you take pride in your own appearance, they’ll feel more confident trusting you with theirs.

2. Text clients from a business number.

Another way to make your business more professional is to text clients from a business phone number, rather than your personal phone number. You can create a Google Voice number, invest in an SMS service like Simple Texting, or even purchase a basic cell phone to use only for business purposes.

3. Only reply to clients during working hours.

Going off of tip #2 is tip #3: only reply to clients during working hours. As a beauty business owner, it can be difficult to “turn off.” You likely have clients reaching out to you at all times of day, and it can be tempting to respond to every message as it comes in.

One way to make your beauty business more professional (and make your life easier), is to only reply to clients during your working hours. If you don’t have working hours, make them up! The key is to be upfront with clients, and let them know what to expect in terms of communication. In addition to making your business more professional, this will also help you set boundaries with clients who expect quick replies.

4. Follow basic grammar guidelines when replying to messages.

This one might sound obvious, but trust me, it’s not! Using basic grammar and punctuation guidelines is a simple way to make your business more professional.

Use periods, commas, and avoid using abbreviations for words like “you” and “are.” It might take a few more seconds out of your day, but it can make a big difference in the professionalism of your business!

5. Avoid talking about clients in front of other clients.

I totally get it: at some point, EVERY beauty professional has dealt with a tough client. As frustrating as it can be, and as TEMPTING as it can be to unleash your frustrations to the first person who will listen, do your best to avoid talking about clients in front of other clients.

No matter how well-meaning your intentions may be, talking about clients with other clients can give the impression that you’re untrustworthy, and the type of person who talks about others behind their backs. Text your friends about it, or talk about it when your clients are out of ear shot. In the long run, it will help you build trust with your clients!

Putting in the effort to make your business more professional will pay off time and time again. Put your best foot forward, and watch your business thrive!

For more tips to help you start and grow your beauty business, follow us on Instagram @SalonRenter.US!

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