Salon Renter | Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights

Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights

Salon Renter | Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights

Enter the exciting world of beauty expos as we share the highlights from our first experience at Premiere Orlando – the biggest beauty trade show in the US, as recognized by Trade Show News Network. With dazzling booths all showcasing the latest trends, products, and techniques, Premiere is the ultimate playground for any beauty enthusiast.

The Trade Show Experience

As we walked through the bustling crowd on the trade show floor, the air was filled with an electric excitement. Our fellow event attendees, rocking their unique and imaginative styles, perfectly embodied the spirit of our industry. This vibrant crowd, united by our shared passion, created an inspiring atmosphere that fueled our creativity.

Salon Renter | Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights

Educational Classes: Top Takeaways

While the trade floor buzzed with glamorous and energizing vibes, the real value of our weekend came from the educational classes at Premiere. With over 650 free classes covering a wide range of topics, we had the opportunity to learn and grow as beautypreneurs. Here are four key lessons we gained from attending:

1. Embrace Collaboration: The Power of Networking

In “The Business Roundtable” workshop, we were reminded of the importance of collaboration and networking. Why? Because they bring fresh insights into industry challenges. For example, when discussing how difficult it can be selling products to clients, we discovered potential solutions in Amazon’s Affiliate and Amazon Influencer programs. Both of which offer new ways to earn money by recommending products to our clients.

This discovery highlighted the power of collaboration. By stepping outside our comfort zone and connecting with others in our field, we can find many valuable ideas and opportunities.

Salon Renter | Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights


2. Master Your Numbers: Unlocking Success in Your Beauty Business

Understanding your business numbers was a recurring theme in many workshops at Premiere. Knowing your numbers is crucial for making pricing, inventory, and spending decisions. Without a clear understanding of your numbers, running your business can feel like stumbling in the dark.

By exploring and comprehending the numbers that drive your business, such as profit and loss statements, you can make confident decisions, seize growth opportunities, and navigate your business effectively.

Need help tracking numbers in your beauty business? Consider options like accounting software, professional accountants or bookkeepers, consulting services, and online resources/courses. These resources can help you gain control over your finances and propel your beauty business forward.

Salon Renter | Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights

3. Overcoming the Fear of Social Media: Even The Pros Struggle

The pros on Instagram all agree that we need to start showing who we are behind our beauty business. Clients want to know who they’ll be spending time with! But putting ourselves out there on social media is way easier said than done.

When it comes to creating reels or content, many of us, including the pros who make it look easy, can feel nervous and scared. In the workshop “Instagram and Imposture Syndrome,” hairstylist and social media educator Samantha Harmon shared her own journey of overcoming fears.

By planning what we want to share in our posts, practicing in front of the camera to get comfortable, and reminding ourselves of our purpose for posting, we can conquer the fear of judgment and make meaningful content. The hardest part is clicking the “Post” button! We gotta just go for it, folks.

Embrace the growth that comes from showing your beautiful face to the world and remember that we are not alone in our insecurities.

Salon Renter | Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights

4. Salon Owner Leadership: How to Inspire, Influence, and Grow Your Team

Salon owners often focus on providing excellent customer service, but what about creating a positive experience for their employees? Retaining employees in the salon industry can be a challenge, but by establishing a structured employee experience, including training, clear career goals, and effective onboarding, we can lead our team to success.

Clear communication of expectations also plays a vital role in avoiding confusion and frustration. As mentors, it’s essential to adopt a trusting and inspiring leadership style rather than a commanding and controlling approach. By prioritizing the employee experience and setting a positive example, we can inspire, influence, and foster the growth of our team.

To keep your stylists engaged and encourage them to stay with your salon, create a positive and organized employee experience that showcases the career opportunities available.

Salon Renter | Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights

From the exciting trade show floor to the valuable lessons taught, Premiere Orlando was an experience that did not disappoint. With limitless possibilities in this industry, it’s time to harness the knowledge, passion, and camaraderie we gained to propel our beauty businesses to new levels of success.

Stay open to learning, support each other, and take bold steps forward. Together, we can achieve greatness and make our mark in the beauty world!

For more tips to help you start and grow your beauty business, subscribe to our Beauty Boss Blogs, and follow us on Instagram @SalonRenter.US!

Salon Renter | Taking Your Beauty Business to the Next Level: Premiere Orlando Workshop Highlights

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